Election post


Hi, I’m Hyeonmin and I believe I have great potential to be a Marketing Officer and the Law for All team due to my passion and experience in marketing and designing. Since a primary school kid who did not know what career path I wanted to pursue but always wanted to push myself into a new experience, I have experience in creating my own blog, selling art crafts on the online marketplace, and participating in a competition for making a commercial BI logo. Yet not everything did end up well as I wished to be, with a lot of failures, with my background in marketing experience I will endeavour to make the Law for All society social media platforms more approachable and attractive to students who may have found it difficult to explore their interests in law. By closely working with other team members, I propose creating a communication program on Law for All social media, connecting third years with second and first years, and society officers and members so that all members can actively contribute to the events, workshops and socials.