Election post


Having been a lacrosse captain before I have a good sense of how to manage a team, as well as having multiple lacrosse playlists already set up to lift energy throughout training and match warm-ups. I have an immense love of the sport, and a great care for the people within our lacrosse community so there is no doubt bringing energy and effort to the role will come with ease. Having an established presence at both the socials, occasionally mixed lacrosse, and of course working hard at training, will mean I only build stronger bonds with our team. These bonds will hopefully enable an even healthier lacrosse environment, were we inspire each other and provide a community of people to turn to if they need support, and who feel comfortable raising any issues. As Tats mentioned we also hope to improve the quality of training sessions as well as introduce more opportunities in the week for our teammates to work on their skills in a fun and competitive way. Being in second year and co-captaining enables us to devote more time to the sport across the board, and therefore hopefully providing a high quality of captaincy.


Lily :)