Election post


Hi! My name is Eloise Booth and I would love to be Vice-President for the Labour society. This year I have been on the committee as Social and Community Secretary and have really enjoyed it, but I know that in the position of Vice-President next year, I would have the increased responsibility/time to do much more for the society. Just a few of the ideas that I would love to implement would be introducing our own tasteful UCL Labour stash (such as UCL Labour card phone case holders), and regular debates internally within the society, and externally with other societies/ the Labour societies of other London universities. I would also like to have more variation in our events beyond having speakers come to UCL, including orchestrating group trips to watch Prime Minister’s Questions, or having Labour themed parties/club nights where we all wear red, or hosting a political ‘white lies t-shirt’ party. I am already familiar and have great working relationships with other members and know that I can work well with them to do even more, my main priority for next year being increasing the number of women in the society. I am creative, practical, and passionate, and know that I have the skills and the enthusiasm to elevate our Labour society further and to ensure that there is something for everyone (from those who are extremely politically engaged, to those who want to get into politics but are mainly looking for a bit of fun!).