Election post


I’m currently a second year Information Management for Business student and I have loved being a part of knit soc this year! It’s such a nice community and everyone has been so friendly and welcoming I wanted to be a part of the committee and make it even better for next year. I’ve been crocheting for the last 3 years and my favourite piece I made was a valentines themed dress:)

As president, some things I’d really like for next year would be:

  • more social events, like the Christmas party, and a cute movie night
  • making more effort to help people learn how to knit or crochet in lessons 
  • setting up an event where members can showcase their work to others and maybe sell some of their projects

Through my course I’ve had lots of experience with management, with all the group projects we’ve done, and I had a summer job last year handling queries from prospective uni students and their clearing applications so I believe I have the skills to take on the role of president next year!  

Thank you for reading this!! I really hope that I can have the opportunity to give more to the knitting society as your president and work with some amazing people!

And all the best to everyone else running too:)