Election post


Hello! I'm Jess, and I joined UCL Karate as a beginner in September, and have now graded to red belt! I decided to join as karate helps you self-improve in a multitude of areas: it is both mentally and physically challenging, its culture and history broadens your knowledge and cultural awareness, and you develop self-defence!

Karate has also benefitted me in ways I didn't expect: it has given me a place where I can get a clear headspace and somewhere where I feel comfortable and confident to fail and keep trying, which owes to the resounding theme of unity that underlays karate. It is for these two benefits that I would love to give back to UCL Karate as Welfare Officer particularly.

I would thrive in this role since I'm a naturally positive and warm person, and am very adaptable to different situations. My low kyu grade will also mean that I am perhaps more approachable to new members, and can act as a bridge between them, higher grades, and our Sensei, which is vital for producing a 'family' feel to our Dojo. A key pillar of karate is that the only thing separating us is the colour of our belts - the feeling of inclusivity regardless of demographic or physicality is paramount, and as WO, I would strive to create a space where everyone feels comfortable. I also believe that voicing issues and opinions are vital for the wellbeing of individuals and of the whole Dojo, and would like to encourage reporting by periodically sending out a form and offering my time for chats!