Election post


I'm running to be the Events Officer for two reasons: I love the satisfaction of planning, coordinating and organising an event and seeing it come to life, and more importantly because I love k-pop soc :) the events this year have been so amazing and many of my best memories in UCL have been from the events organised by the society so I hope to get the opportunity to continue this amazing tradition of running fun, accessible and inclusive events for all. The events in k-pop soc have provided me with a safe space to meet lots of lovely new people and make great memories, so I know what a 'good' event entails and how to make it work. As the former events officer back in my high school dance society, I can understand and appreciate the complexity of coordinating different people/things and meticulous planning that goes behind a successful event, and hope to channel this experience for k-pop soc in the upcoming year.