Election post


Hey everyone :) My name is Saffie and I am currently a 3rd year medic. I only joined Jazz Soc this year but have absolutely loved every minute of it. Big Band has been brilliant in so many ways and I know the friends I’ve made are going to last a lifetime.

I think that welfare is really important, not only as we are all students at an academically challenging university, but also so that we can enjoy Jazz Soc and all the amazing events they put on. It’s always great to be on your best mental and physical form!

As welfare sec, I’d hope to be a friendly and familiar face that anyone can talk to whenever they need advice or support (and even if I’m not welfare sec!). I have gotten to know a lot of the support services the university has to offer during my time here, and would be keen to run welfare events (both Jazz-based and otherwise, i.e. mug painting, socials, and drop-in sessions).

Thanks for reading and good luck to everyone running :)