Election post


I love the Phineas Jazz Jams. I'm always impressed by our players' musical skill and the crowd's ability to enjoy jazz on a Tuesday night. I've been up there, so I know how exhilarating it is to play spontaneously with a group of players. But for the jams to run smoothly, there needs to be somebody to coordinate both the houseband and the players in playing their favourite tunes. 

I can be that person!!!

As the jam manager, I want to help people be confident in their playing, and be good listeners to the other players, so that the band can work well as a whole. I also want to encourage vocalists or players of non-traditional instruments in participating in a way that works cohesively with everyone else, and give everyone a chance to just have fun.

If I am voted in as one of the jam managers, I promise to add value to the Jazz Society. :)