Election post


Ciao a tutti ragazzi! 

My name is Alessandro and I am currently a Second-Year Law student. I was born in Sicily and have lived my whole life between this beautiful island and Rome.

It will be an honour for me to represent the Italian Community at UCL with passion and determination. By virtue of its prestige and reputation, the UCL Italian Society deserves a skilled, passionate and committed President able to involve as many students as possible in fun and thought-provoking social activities as well as to represent the society within the institutional landscape.

These are five main goals I would like to realise in the next academic year:

·      Strengthen the institutional presence of the Society with the United Italian Society and the Italian institutions in London.

·      Improve the social communication through the re-organisation of the social media platforms.

·      Re-launch sport tournaments between the other Italian societies and within the Society itself.

·      Foster the Italian culture through a series of inspirational social talks and interactive initiatives.

·      Unite both Italians and Italian-lovers in a wide range of social events.

And much more...

In a nutshell, I am ready to put all my dedication in this role and I am ready to collect your feedback and implement it, with the only purpose of best representing the Italian community at UCL, favouring an inclusive environment and improving the welfare of all the students.

Grazie a