Election post


Hello! I’m Ollie a Second Year Undergraduate of History running for VP of Client Relations. As an Undergraduate of History, I may not have a formal background in finance, but I possess the skillset, experience and interest that will allow me to thrive and deliver results in this role.

I have built on my communication and negotiation skills through my experience as the Executive of Events for the society over the past year. These skills won’t just allow me to secure sponsorships but will help me in navigating the inner workings of the society. I would work closely with the Treasurer to coordinate sponsorship funding in time for essential periods in the society's calendar.

I believe in developing closer relationships with other Guild and UCL societies. I will leverage my network through membership in UCL Entrepreneurs, Consulting and Real Estate Society to explore new forms of sponsorship and partnership techniques.   

I will look to continue the excellent history of sponsorship that UCLIS has had with a variety of prestigious firms. Maintained well under our previous VP, I understand the important role that firms play in society events and want to continue in helping facilitate these. Such sponsorship would allow the hosting of stock pitches and trading competitions, providing excellent educational and networking opportunities for a range of our members.

A natural curiosity paired with a flexible skillset would allow me to deliver successful results as your VP. 