Election post


My name is Max, and I am running as the next treasurer of the UCL Investment Society. I’m currently a 2nd year Economics student at UCL and have worked closely with the society in the past year, both as the Vice President of Events, and as an analyst in the Investment Fund. I am well acquainted with the structure and members of the society and understand the financial needs of the society.

My experience organizing successful events, such as the UCL Finance Conference, various committee social events, and the IBD Memes Panel Event, has given me valuable insights into the budgeting needs of the society. I will apply this experience to ensure that the society's funds are managed effectively and efficiently if elected as Treasurer.

Additionally, I am committed to building upon the hard work of the current committee and expanding the society's growth by promoting and initiating collaborations with societies across UCL. My aim is to create exciting opportunities, initiatives, and social events that will engage members and enrich their experience with the society.

My passion for finance, combined with my approachable personality and experience, makes me an ideal candidate for the position of Treasurer.