Election post


I am standing because I am passionate about creating a strong and supportive community for Indonesian students and anyone interested in Indonesian culture. As someone who has experienced the challenges of being a student far away from home, I understand how important it is to have a supportive community that can provide guidance, friendship, and a sense of belonging.

As president, I would prioritize building a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and supported. I would encourage members to share their ideas and perspectives, and work to create opportunities for members to connect with each other both within and outside of society events. By creating a vibrant and engaging community, we can foster a sense of belonging among members and promote a deeper understanding and appreciation of Indonesian culture, as well as other cultures represented in our diverse community.

Finally, I am confident in my ability to provide direction and guidance to the society. I would work closely with other members of the society's team to set goals and develop a strategic plan for the society's growth and development.

Overall, I see this as an opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the university community and create a lasting impact. I am excited about the possibility of serving as president and am committed to working hard to achieve the goals and vision of the society.