Election post


Ice Club was the first society I joined, and has given me many great memories and opportunities. Now, it is time to give back; to develop and lead the Yetis and Frostbite to bigger and better pastures (or ice rinks).

If elected, my primary aim would be to ensure the club runs effectively. We are currently governed by the BUIHA and the Students Union, with many contradicting regulations I know many have experienced the pains of. I will therefore, be completely on top of all communications with the SU, BUIHA and yourselves-creating a unified club that knows what is going on and no opportunities are being missed.

I also wish to increase the club’s popularity as many 1st years and internationals don’t know we exist until later in the year, hampering our trainings and competition chances. I would increase our freshers fair presence and organise introduction sessions to bring bigger numbers down to our rinks who may never have thought about skating in London.

I’m in a good position to take over from AP as president (miss you already!) as I am familiar with the running of the club, game organisation, and unfortunately-the BUIHA. I’ve also been in many positions of responsibility, with much of my degree coming from group projects-I’m no stranger to leading and managing piles of admin.

When I first joined the Ice Club I thought it would be the same as playing juniors, however I now see this as more than just a sport, and I would be honoured to represent you for the coming year.