Election post


I am nominating myself for the position of first XI Captain.

I have a well-founded playing background in the sport, as well as having past leadership experience. However, while I view these to be pre-requisites to the role, the reasons I believe that I would be well suited do not end here.

I am highly dedicated to the sport, and the club - consistently attending all sessions and games, playing for the Accies, as well as being an active social member. I believe this is a highly important quality in a Captain, both in order to promote training and also help forge a positive team culture, both of which I am confident I could achieve.  

Individually, I believe my relentless optimism would complement this well. Particularly in a year after potential promotion to South-Prem, for in many instances the mentality we have before and during games will be critical. From the position of Captain, one is unquestionably best placed to do this.

Finally, I believe I have some great ideas that could push on this team and this club in the right direction. I plan to leverage this year’s success in order to involve those hockey players who currently are not involved with UCLMHC. Moreover, before the season I would continue fresher integration and outreach that was done so well this year through pre-season. I would also pro-actively start the coach hunting process before the summer in order to give us the best chance of attacking the season. I would give my all to achieve these goals.