Election post


Hi, my name is Cheryl and I am a first year History of Art student. I am running for social secretary because I want to organise engaging social events for everyone in the society, and to promote the society to non-History of Art students through these events!

As an outgoing and enthusiastic individual, I am confident that I possess the skills necessary to excel in this position. As the Head of Arts and Co-Curricular prefect in Sixth Form, I have experience planning and organising events ranging from art showcases to dance shows, and I am sure that my ability to plan successful events will be an asset to the society. I was an active member of my high school's History of Art Society and led talks and debates for the society, and was also a co-founder of the school's Asian society and the leader of the Dance Club. In addition to my event planning skills, I am also well-versed in social media management as I was the social media manager for my school's enterprise project and I have experience in making graphics and designing magazine covers. 

As for things I want to achieve as social secretary, I would like to host more pub socials such as History of Art pub quizzes and more social events such as drink and draw sessions, crafting, etc. in addition to the usual museum tours and talks. As social secretary, I would ensure that everyone's voices and feedback are heard and make sure to host events that people would be excited to take part in!