Election post


Hi, my name is Karan, I am a first year Mathematics with Economics student and I am nominating myself to be Hindu Society’s Treasurer for next year.

I have been heavily involved in Hindu Society as an FYR for the past couple of months and I can conclusively say that this has been one of my best decisions at university. It has provided me with some of my most memorable experiences and closest friendships, while also allowing me to gain a deep insight into the behind-the-scenes of the society. It was amazing to be able to help plan and manage all the events put on by the society, even as a first year.

I believe I would make a great Treasurer since I possess the leadership skills required for a top two role and I am highly analytical and number-oriented, which would make me a perfect fit for maintaining the accounts and budgets for all the events. The sense of community that Hindu Society has provided has been an integral part of my first-year experience, it feels more like one big family, and I will strive to make sure that this continues to a high standard next year. This goes without saying, but I will make sure the events next year are bigger and better than ever before! I can’t wait to go into the 23/24 year and provide everyone with some of their most unforgettable memories yet :)