Election post


Hey, I’m Roma, a first-year medic running for the position of Sponsorship Officer!

Diwali Ball and Rangeela have been 2 of the most memorable events I’ve attended since starting at UCL, and it’s how I met some of my closest friends. Joining Hindu Society has helped to reinforce my culture and meet people from similar backgrounds, giving a very homely feeling. I appreciate and am inspired by the hard work and effort that goes into coordinating events, regardless of their scale, and I wish to be a part of the teamwork and collaboration to help provide similar experiences to people in the future years. Sponsorships are a vital aspect of societies, with the funding enabling memorable events to come to fruition.

Working for a private GP company partnered with other major healthcare providers such as Bupa and Babylon, and working for an NHS GP practice has given me plenty of experience. This includes building communication skills and relationships, through attending meetings, regular clinics, and networking events. That is why I think I am the perfect candidate to reinforce Hindu Society’s external funding and make it into an even bigger and better cultural/religious society. I believe that my skills will assist in my tireless efforts in the coming summer to negotiate with, and hopefully secure some huge sponsors.

With your votes, not only will I strive to secure as many sponsors as possible, but I hope others will be able to enjoy their UCL experience as much as I have so far.