Election post


Hinduism consists of multiple schools of thought which create a lot of discussion as to how Hinduism should be interpreted. The society is the ideal place for such discussion to take place; where all students can not only better understand how they celebrate the religion but also build intellectual relationships.I am also a part of societies of other dharmic religions or philosophies such as Jain society and Krishna consciousness society. This has helped me strengthen my overall understanding of dharmic inter-related faiths. After attending the Gita Circles organised by Hindusoc and kcsoc, the importance of having such philosophical and insightful seems clear.  Hindu society should be the centre of such religious activities which aim to bring the community closer to celebrate all aspects of our religion.

Having some of my childhood in India, I have seen many festivals and celebrations firsthand which is what initially developed my admiration for Hinduism. Festivals such as Holi, Navratri, Diwali and Sankrant/Lohri/Pongal should be celebrated on a grand scale in my opinion. I hope to arrange such celebrations with the rest of the committee. I am studying Management Science which gives me a better skillset than needed to do so.

I hope to arrange such celebrations with the rest of the committee. I have attended events such as the Kashmiri Hindu talk which I think was quintessential as to the type of events I hope should be arranged in the future to bring the community closer.