Election post


Hi, I’m Nikita, a first year Math-Comp student from Bangalore and I’m running for President!

Hindu Society and the memories I’ve made because of it will always be close to my heart - I’d be beyond grateful to lead it. This year as an FYR, I gained an invaluable insight into how our society is run and the dedication this role requires. If elected, I will bring back landmark events with the same enthusiasm, but also aspire to introduce these ideas.

After interacting with our members, I’ve realized we need a wider range of events to promote inclusivity. So, I plan on adding events that emphasize the aspects that define our religion, along with volunteering opportunities and sports socials. Additionally, sessions to learn about our history and socials like trivia nights would create a comfortable environment for our members to engage in.

I also believe we have the potential to increase our outreach, which we can achieve by collaborating with other universities on a more frequent basis. Apart from events, we should utilize London’s extensive student community to have powerful talks of all genres, which is so important with the existence of deep rooted issues causing differences in our community.

From previous leadership experience, I know I have the ability to delegate, make levelheaded decisions and stay open-minded to varying opinions at all times. This society means so much to me, and as your President, I will commit to making this year just as amazing, hopefully even more!