Election post


Hey, I’m Jonas and I want to be your president next year.
Having been your vice president over the past year, I’ve gained a good understanding of the operations and needs of the club. From running socials to organising residentials or our staple weekly hikes. I’m aiming to continue to grow the club and increase membership and engagement across all aspects of the club. To achieve this, I’d focus on:

  • Streamline planning and communication of events, to ensure we communicate in a clear way to our members to drive engagement. This would include posting about events in a consistent way, having regular updates for our members as well as reaching out directly for feedback.
  • Cater to as broad a range of our members as possible. Push for more of a focus on events that can cater for both domestic and international students, as well as more of a focus on socials for those that do not drink.
  • Promote the outdoors and principles of hiking. Aim to ensure that our members are aware of the importance of leave no trace and are aware of how to respect the environment and the natural beauty that we explore. Offer opportunities to gain skills in map reading and navigation to nurture an interest in hiking.

I have loved being a part of hiking club, it’s a fantastic place to explore the UK, meet new people and have fun. As president, I would strive to maintain this welcoming and adventurous atmosphere in the club so that new and existing members can enjoy it as much as I have.