Election post


Hi! I’m Georgie and I’m a first year history student, and I would love to be your Welfare Officer come next year.

Wellbeing and mental health are topics close to me, that I'm very passionate about promoting within both personal and university spaces. With experience as a prefect for mental health in school, I understand the importance of having a stable outlet of support within educational environments. As we all know, university can be stressful and overwhelming at times, but to have a reliable support network within the society can make a big difference, whether your worries are magazine related, work overloads, or personal queries. I will work to always be around and available as a first port for any concerns that any members may have, or for a friendly chat for when you just want a natter!

I would like to continue trend of friendliness and inclusiveness that characterises Her Campus, promoting the wellbeing and support of all members, while also contributing to the publications it routinely produces. I will be committed to further fostering the already strong sense of community between the like-minded, passionate women of Her Campus, keen to publicise and convey their brilliant ideas, from Gilmore Girls to the male gaze!

Welfare Officer or not, I am excited for a new year of Her Campus and can’t wait to see all that it produces and achieves in the coming year.