Election post


I’ve loved working as an event officer for Her Campus this year, but I want to do more.

I want to help Her Campus go further next year by expanding its audience at UCL and by offering more events for its members. As Vice President I would help the president to market Her Campus across UCL so that more people can view the amazing articles our writers produce. My work experience in event coordination also means I’d be able to help the Her Campus committee organise more events and trips for next year. I already have some fun ideas for events (including west end theatre trips, coffee meet ups and seasonal parties), as well as partnership opportunities with other societies so that we can meet more like-minded students.

I also want Her Campus to be as inclusive as possible. By working closely with the editors and welfare officers, I will ensure that not only the content being produced by Her Campus covers a range of issues that our writers care about, but also that our members feel included and empowered in our society.

My aim is to make the HerCampus society feel like a family.  And with the president I believe we can do this !