Election post


I love competitions. Ever since I began gymnastics at the age of 12/13 I dreamt of being on that podium, surrounded by my team with a medal in hand. Of course, starting so late - and facing constant injuries - meant that I never did make it to these national rankings and so I settled instead for my local general squad "friendly" competitions. Nonetheless, I was just thrilled to be able to showcase what I had learned alongside my friends and it is this that I want to enable others to experience: the excitement and glamour of competition but within a positive, uplifting environment where everyone is just excited to show off their hard work...to themselves, their friends, or even to send back videos to their families. I believe that if ever there was a role for me on a committee, it would be as one of the gymnastics captains where I can encourage others to either step out of their comfort zone for the first time, or to reignite an old passion. I think competitions are so important as a sort of goal point, something to look forwards to and to work towards during the weekly training sessions and thus I would love to be able to get as many people involved in as many competitions as possible!