Election post


Hi everyone, I am Joshua and I am running for the position of treasurer!

I had great experience meeting new people within the Field of Earth Sciences by joining various social events held by Greenough in my first year at UCL. The fact that we have a relatively small student population highlighted the importance of the society in which students can form close social circles. Committee members in Greenough are enthusiastic in creating bonds between members of the society by promoting various Earth Sciences related events. To give back to the society, I would like to put myself forward by taking up the position of treasurer of Greenough. Having said that, being a prefect team leader in secondary school has proven I have the ability to work with peers efficiently and more importantly, a great sense of responsibility. I believe these qualities of mine allow me to perform the duty of a treasure well. If I had the privilege to become the treasurer, I will keep good account on the society’s fund to ensure we get the most out of it.

Being a treasurer overseeing the finance of Greenough is by no means easy, yet I have every confidence that I can excel the tasks.