Election post


Hi! My name is Ricky, a current Event Executive, and I am excited to announce my candidacy for the Treasurer role. As an active member of the society, I have gained a deep understanding of the organization's goals and values, and I am committed to promoting sustainability and creating a fair and friendly environment for everyone.

If elected as Treasurer, I will work closely with the rest of the committee to ensure that our financial resources are used efficiently and responsibly. I will be responsible for managing the society's accounts, collaborating closely with the President to ensure the financial well-being of the society both internally and externally.

I am committed to creating enriching experiences for our members and expanding the society's reach. I believe that building strong partnerships with other societies is crucial to providing more opportunities for our members and promoting sustainability.

In summary, my passion for sustainability and experience in leadership roles make me an ideal candidate for this position. I am committed to contributing my skills and expertise to the society and creating a sustainable future for us all.