Election post


Hello everyone! I'm Esther Cheung, the current Head of Journal Club of the Genetics Society and a second year Biochemistry MSci student. As an aspiring stem cell biologist, I am intrrigued by the genetics behind ageing and regeneration. In my free time, I am a violist in the symphony orchestra and a part-time sci-fi writer.

I would like to serve as the Vice President next year. I propose to keep everything my fellow committee members have launched this year such as socials, beginning-of-term national history museum trip, career, PhD and internship panels, integrate more academic and technical journal clubs and workshops with socials, and carry out more joint society and even joint school events, utilising my connections. I also propose podcasts, life sciences-related volunteering work, skillshare workshops or videos where we introduce members to genomics tools, external lecture outings, and even a half-day academic or industry conference. I believe on top of academic research, our events can also focus on genomics and the industry like genome analysis softwares and genetic testing. I believe my enthusiasm towards academics, dedication that kept our journal clubs largely running on a biweekly schedule this year, and experience serving in the society makes me fit for the role. I am thankful to all committee and society members this year and hope to see you all next year!