Election post


In recent years, I've been captivated by the fascinating world of genetics, and I've dedicated myself to researching and understanding it. This society helped me a lot in my journey, so I want to give back by being a part of the committee and helping the society thrive. 

As the Treasurer, my top priority will be to ensure that the society's finances are managed responsibly and transparently. I will work closely with the executive committee to create a balanced budget, monitor expenses and income, and maintain accurate financial records.

My aim is to plan the budget in a way that allows us to organise a wide range of events, both academic and social. If any opportunities arise, I would love to organise and manage finances for other events as well.

I will ensure everything is transparent and benefit the good of the society. I would like to believe I can be trusted with finances, as I am an international student living here in London :D

Joining the committee is an exciting opportunity, and I can't wait to contribute my skills and expertise to help the society flourish.