Election post



My name is Amala and I am running to be your Treasurer of Gender and Feminism Society for next year :)

I would be incredibly grateful to be given the position to give back to a society that has worked so diligently to put on events throughout the year that have not shied away from difficult topics, whilst also maintaining a safe and inclusive environment for all to get involved.

I feel I have the right capabilities to help with the running of GenFem's finances given my role as Head of Charity in school. Through this position I managed our sixth form's fundraising budget.

Moreover, I oversaw the running of large-scale events such as International Women's Day, Pride, and Black History Month as Head of Equality Society at school - working to coordinate with a team of students and teachers to deliver talks, speaker events, charity sales and local activism projects etc. I think the experience I acquired through these positions closely aligns with the type of organisational skills expected of Treasurer of GenFem.

But more importantly, discourse around gender and feminism never fails to excite, inspire and sometimes even infuriate me all at once. The topics we've discussed in GenFem - from period poverty to representation in media - have a tangible effect on all of our lives. It would mean so much if I was given the opportunity to work as part of the team that sparks these conversations here at UCL and strives to deliver change on campus and beyond.

Thanks for reading ❤️