Election post


To quote Chatgbt "As a dedicated member of the Red Star , I am excited to announce my candidacy for the position of Treasurer. I believe that my passion for the sport and my non-existent financial expertise make me the ideal candidate for this role. My primary goal as Treasurer is to ensure that the society's finances are managed in a vaguely responsible and efficient manner, while also ensuring that our members have access to the resources they need to continue playing and enjoying the sport. I have a strong track record of unsuccessfully managing budgets and keeping changing financial records to balance the books, and I am confident that my skills and experience will make a significant contribution to the success of the Red Star . I am eager to work closely with the rest of the society's leadership team and members to promote the growth- I'm thinking we start a Red Star Bank and give out credit cards and loans." All this while continuing the fraud and scams that have made us super rich, ( unless the Su are reading this is which case that didn't happen) I'm thinking next year we'll have a trip to Dubai (help us out Vas) and I'm looking forward to moving onto Ponzi schemes as they seemed to work quite well until he got caught.