Election post


Hey! It’s Arianne or you may know me as Ari! 

Volunteering is a fantastic opportunity for us as a team to collectively contribute and play an active role in the community off the pitch! This resonates deeply with me and I believe it resonates strongly with you as well! 

I was fortunate enough to organise volunteering opportunities as the captain of my high school’s football team. It was nothing short of rewarding for my team and the organisations involved. It was particularly meaningful to work with the Singapore National Olympic Council to support young and aspiring female athletes as it inspired me to believe strongly in the cause, and I hope to further the cause here too – by building on the current initiatives and introducing new ones to support aspiring female footballers. Volunteering has taught me important interpersonal skills lessons and instilled in me a heart of service and compassion.

My heart of service has certainly motivated me to stand for this role as I hope to be able to play an active role in ensuring that we will have ample yet realisable volunteering opportunities as I know that the student-athlete life can be busy! Thank you and I hope to have your support!