Election post


Hello gents, George Hayes here: the stalwart UCL 1s right back, the notorious 22-year-old fresher, amateur philosopher, scala enthusiast and above all else – lover of all things UCLFC.

My inspiration to become President stems from how greatly I admire our current leadership; a feeling I couldn't contain at the football/netball social when snogging current Pres Ben Ballard (he snogged back). This year has given me some of the most enjoyable football of my life, and I'm fully committed to neglecting my degree to ensure every member of this great club feels the same.


*  Competitiveness –  Poor squad numbers this year has caused way too many walkovers, meaning that lads can’t play. This is simply unacceptable within the mighty UCLFC. Inevitably, our next President will have to oversee some streamlining to restore our competitive edge, to keep lads playing, and to allow talent to move up the ranks with ease.

*  Integration – To unite the club socially by promoting interaction between all teams, from the 1s all the way through to members of the famous 8s & 9s, aiming for at least one whole-club social per term.

*  Reputation – To accelerate our improving reputation, by continuing our efforts with mental health awareness, diversity & inclusion, volunteering, charity, etc. The off-field work of this club is actually incredible and deserves much more recognition...

That's it for now - looking forward to seeing you all at the AGM! Lots of love boys,
