Election post


In the first place, I think it's crucial to put our members' needs first. I'll do my best to make sure we keep offering our members helpful networking opportunities, educational opportunities, and resources that help them advance their professions. Members' opinions will be gathered, and their wants and concerns will be addressed. 

Building on the success of the Raion event is one strategy I intend to use to achieve this. I hope to keep organising similar gatherings that provide attendees an opportunity to network with forward-thinking finance and technology firms. Members will be able to learn more about the fintech sector at these events in addition to having great networking opportunities.

In addition to events, I think that society should offer members chances and resources to advance their knowledge and skills relevant to the FinTech sector. Workshops, mentoring initiatives, and alliances with other organisations may fall under this category. We can help our members become more employable and competitive in the job market by making these materials available. 

A diverse and inclusive community must be fostered in our society, in my opinion, and this brings me to my final point. This entails making certain that all members, regardless of their origins or identities, have access to our events and resources. Additionally, it entails promoting diversity within the fintech sector and emphasising the accomplishments of marginalised groups.