Election post


Hello everyone! :)

My name is William, and I've been a member of FilmSoc (UCL's best society let's be honest) for the past couple of years, which I have genuinely loved thanks to the amazing people and past committees.

My Resolution for Screenings:

I'm standing this year to increase participation and diversity within the society, which I aim to do by empowering audiences to have a more frequent voice and choice in screening selection (e.g. proposing films and voting) but also by incorporating films from countries, cultures and genres which haven't been explored as much in the past, whilst working in tandem with cultural societies across UCL.

My Resolution for Social Events:

Having met some amazing people in the bigger social events organized in the past, to repeat their success would be a top priority. I would also try to make smaller social events (cinema outings, group activities after workshops etc.) more regular and accessible, by incorporating them with other events and activities within the FilmSoc Schedule.

General Resolution:

I have found that working with fellow cultural societies has only increased the attendance, variety and overall fun of both screenings and social events, so it has become one of my general goals to collaborate more often with them if elected!


I'm next to campus most of the time so if you ever want to meetup or if you have any questions/suggestions I'm but a text away!

Hope to see and meet all of you soon :)!

Thank you for your time!!