Election post


As this year’s FilmSoc Drama Producer, I want to continue dedicating my time and energy to the Film and TV Society, but on a greater scale. 

While being a BA Media and Filmmaking student, my most memorable experiences came from my FilmSoc affiliation. Learning from previous and current committee members, my goal is the maintenance of that nurturing, creative, and inspiring environment for all of our members, regardless of their degree, background, or prior experience.

I believe that augmenting the quality of our production opportunities, social gatherings, and skill-building workshops requires, above all, approachability. 

Just as I am now the person my production crew turns to for support, I aim to extend it and be that person for each and every one of you, on and off set. But just as I intend to share my knowledge and implement my management skills, I am here to listen. I want all members to be part of the conversation. 

The key question is - How can I support you?

  • Catering to your needs
    • Studio renovation through YOUR suggestions.
    • Allocating budget for film festival applications.
  • Diversity in opportunities
    • Expanding the Affiliate Link system to sub-branches of Documentary and Podcast projects, including greater financial support.
    • Broadening FilmSoc’s network with current industry professionals, including BA Media staff. 

I hope that by reading this, I was able to demonstrate my main objective - I am here for you.