Election post


For the past two years, the Film Society Journal & Podcast has been consistently enriching in my film society experience. I firmly believe that the Journal is an opportunity for all Film Soc members to share their love for film, and gain fresh perspectives on it, and I hope to further improve the ways it can achieve this as an Editor-in-chief. If elected as EIC, I will strive to:

  • Publish a diverse array of topics, in both written and podcast form. I will encourage members to brainstorm podcasts and/or written columns on topics outside convention, such as examining filmmaking from specific technical perspectives, or one's personal relationships with certain genres/films.
  • Have monthly meetings that any members can join, including one roundtable podcast recording session, a session to discuss ideas and determine potential coverage, and a writing session where people can work on journal projects together.
  • Expand integration of the journal with other aspects of the society, e.g. film recommendations based on recent screenings
  • And finally, to create a magazine that lives up to the “journal” name. Drawing upon the wealth of talent within our society, and my experience in other media societies, I’ll work towards creating the first issue of a publication (digital, with the possibility of some print issues) that will include reviews, essays, and more.

It has been a true joy writing for (and chatting with) the journal, and I hope you give me a chance to bring it to new heights!