Election post


Hi guys! I’m Lelyana (or call me yan) and I will be running for social secretary this year.

Words cannot describe the amazing friendships and memories I’ve already made through filisoc. Sharing cultural interests and new experiences, filisoc has especially encouraged me to broaden my horizons and meet new people. Undoubtedly, this year’s committee is already slaying so hard. However, I promise to uphold the same amount of effort that the current committee puts into our events and enjoyment. I aim to continue presenting the society as inclusive and fun, so if you have any concerns or suggestions, I’m all ears. 

My previous involvement in charity events and part-time work, has enhanced my teamwork skills, communication and organisation which I believe will help me fulfil this role. I understand that being the social secretary comes with the responsibility of keeping Filisoc members updated and involved, as well as ensuring the society is running smoothly from behind the scenes. I am committed to carrying out my administrative duties to the best of my ability. Whether this is assisting the committee in planning and hosting fun motives, reminding members to check their junk emails and or keeping everyone virtually updated through social media; I will always put 100% into the society because you guys deserve only the best.

I would be so grateful for this opportunity; I hope you consider me for this position. Please vote for me or I’m going to cry!

Love Yan <3