Election post


Hi I’m Sam, a 2nd year medical student. I can whole-heartedly say, It brings me immense pleasure to have been part of the Filipino society these past two years. I met valuable friends through the society and made countless memories - my favourite being the end of year dinner & karaoke.

If I am given the opportunity as the society’s president, I would like to carry on my forebearer’s momentum of:

  • Widening participation and access by having variety of events from Filipino restaurant food crawls, Pinoy movie marathons, Filipino society club nights, karaoke, potluck and more. 
  • foster & promote a culture of inclusivity - from undergraduate, post-grads, alumni and faculty - and integration between us all.
  • create more intimate & cultural-focused events in line with our society’s Filipino constitution  

I am confident that I am capable of carrying out my duties, effectively and efficiently, with my leadership skills I had since being UCL ambassador for the British Undergraduate Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology; I believe with my translatable & relevant events co-ordination experience, I can handle affairs & address concerns you have. Joining the UCL Filipino society has been one of the best decisions I have made here at University. And I hope I can make it just as enjoyable for you too.