Election post


Hey! My name is Leeanne and it's an honour to run for FilSoc committee. Many of you will agree that all previous committee have managed to make everyone feel welcomed through their amazing society events. It’s guaranteed that you will meet other Filipinos who soon become your closest friends for life at events. I already have these people and it's crazy to think that when I first met them, we would only see each other at events yet it felt like we've been friends for such a long time.

Without FilSoc events, I wouldn't have these people who now play a big part of my cherished uni experience, hence why I'm inspired to become your next Events Officer. Our events should be the product of both the officer and society, so I will reach out for your help to create not just socials but exciting memories for your own uni experience. I believe that my past role and enthusiasm of being school council event organiser will further support the responsibilities of my desired role.

Sure, society events help students to find friends or de-stress, but as a cultural society, this purpose must be taken one step further: Whether you are fully Filipino or a Jollibee enthusiast, our events embrace our shared identity of being Pinoy. I will strive for events that highlight our best Filipino traits as well as inspiring the future generation of Filipino Society committee members to continue with this tradition... only if I am elected as your future Events Officer.

I'm counting on your vote! <3