Election post


Hello Everyone I’m Ollie! I'm an Epeeist and current Social Secretary looking to run for re-election.

I’ve had a fantastic experience meeting some of the newest members of the club over this past year and want to continue UCLFC's healthy growth to being one of TeamUCL’s top clubs. Along with the committee, I have been essential in bridging the ‘Novice-Experienced gap’ that existed previously within the club and want to continue to foster a collective community moving forward.

Over this last year I have a proven track record of meeting previous election commitments of (Near) regular pub sessions, post-BUCS match drinks, joint socials with other UCL clubs and pizza & board games nights.

Many of you may have been aware of my proposal for a Joint Fencing Ball with the other London Clubs. Due to term time constraints and other logistical issues, it has currently been postponed until a later date. Nonetheless, having taken large amounts of time and effort to plan I am entirely committed to delivering this venture later this year.

The Joint Fencing Ball isn’t the only event I have planned, with other ideas including a joint Kendo-Fencing Social. This will hopefully include a Kendo vs Fencing bout and a ‘try each others weapon’ session, where members from each society can have the opportunity to sample each other's sport and socialise in the process.

One of our most recent socials was a great success that even involved a trip to York Train Museum for some of the teams!
