Election post


I’m applying for this role because I think this is such a wonderful opportunity to start building connections, get better at communications and have a really productive and positive time in a female driven environment. I would love to be a part of redesigning what this society looks like because there is so many opportunities opening up for women in business and I think we are the key society to take advantage of that. Reaching out to other societies and external companies is really something that would benefit every member of the society so it’s something that really should be focused on.


I think I would be a really good for for this role because I do have some experience in reaching out to companies. For about two years, I was charity captain at my school and was the mediator between the students and the charities in my area. My role included reaching out to charities who we wanted to work with, organising meetings with them to discuss what we all wanted out of our partnership and relaying all that back to students and staff. I have also attended several leadership summits with Girl Up and feel as though some of my training there could be used to help in this female environment.