Election post


After taking the last year out of university unexpectedly, I now want to spend the 2023-24 academic year ensuring the continuation of Ex-Yugoslav society for a number of reasons. 

I am incredibly passionate about the region and it's culture. I spent much of my time out traveling Croatia, Bosnia & Serbia and I am learning Serbo-Croatian (sometimes even with some success!). I think UCL should have a place to share this for people both from the region and beyond.

I have a number of skills I feel would be beneficial to the role of president. For one, I have communications experience from writing for Pi Media, the UCL student newspaper, and for the press team of a member of the Scottish Parliament (something else I've also been up to on my time out).

I have also been the social media manager for Museums With No Frontiers and have volunteered with the Pankhurst Centre Museum & Girlguiding, which has given me insight into planning and working to a set schedule.

In the future, I naturally want to see the society more active, embracing the region's culture. I feel this society benefits most from social events - pub meet ups - maybe even pub quizzes, rakija tasting, visiting Balkan restaurants & food shops. We can also try and reintroduce collaborative events with other cultural societies & film screenings. 

This society can be great and together, we can get it there.