Election post


Hi! I'm Jai, a second-year History student and this year's European Horizons (EuH) President. I hope to use my experience to make EuH even stronger next year. 

As Welfare Officer I would use my knowledge of the pressures and technicalities of leading a society to support committee & society members to achieve brilliant work without unnecessary stress. As Welfare Officers often have fewer commitments, I would also lend practical help in the committee wherever required. Having been Freshers' Rep and President, I have a deep understanding of each role, making me uniquely able to lend support, avoid pitfalls and build EuH further. 

This year we achieved many of my goals including: creating an induction programme & policy competition to introduce members to the sometimes confusing technicalities of policy memos & research, providing opportunities for research & publication, developing the EuH website and organising an (upcoming) London Conference with expert speakers. Having learnt vital lessons & overcome challenges this year, I hope to build on this work next year by developing the website further, increasing engagement with international EuH chapters, promoting research & organising more social, career & speaker events. 

In our globalised world, policy, identity and security are increasingly defined on global rather than national terms. I believe that the collaboration and engagement EuH fosters has never been more important and I would love to continue to be a part of it!