Election post


As an aspiring new writer, I hope to create and be part of a community of budding young writers in UCL. I believe that UCL Drama Society is not just a home for thespians, but a place where directors, producers, playwrights, actors and crew members can meet and create magic on stage.

The foundation of a good play is a good script, which is why we admire great playwrights such as William Shakespeare and Tom Stoppard. I was fortunate to be in the cast for Lilies in December – which has a brilliant script – and be able to write Singapore Society’s annual play, Hotel 18. I have been greatly inspired by the diversity of writers in UCL Drama – POCs and LGBTs – and hope to continue providing access to the platform for all writers to showcase their craft.

As the New Writing Officer, I hope to connect aspiring playwrights, such that we can all benefit from feedback on our scripts. I am also looking to invite notable playwrights to share their writing process and inspire us on how to write better. Notwithstanding, the New Writing Festival will continue to be a platform for first-time writers to stage their works and improve their craft.

Beyond drama, I write a plethora of fiction and non-fiction, including film reviews, book reviews (@tnc_reads), murder mystery role playing games and on my blog. I also have experience organising events and working with big names and companies.

I am Caleb and I hope to meet you as the New Writing Officer this coming year.