Election post


Calling all Dodgeballers! My name is Elisia and I'm a second year medical student running for the role of President of UCL Dodgeball Club this year!

In September 2021, I started dodgeball as a complete beginner and have since competed in two BUCS seasons, Mixed Super League and have attended both open and closed trials for England Dodgeball's development squad. It takes a motivated and enthusiastic President to organise and invest time in their club, so that the correct conditions are created for their members to excel at the highest levels. I share the same motivation as our current President, to support all members of UCL Dodgeball Club in meeting their personal dodge-goals, at any experience or level.

As a part-time assistant in the Student's Union, I am aware of the various documentations and communications required for the President to partake in. In my role as Women's Captain this year, I have attended various committee meetings and thus have a strong understanding in how the President can liaise with social secretaries to organise events.

Being a part of UCL Dodgeball Club has not only been the highlight of my university experience, but has also become my only personality trait ;) Like many, I initially found entering university life quite daunting, however now I can reflect on my time so far with such gratitude for the warm and diverse community that I was welcomed into. This is the supportive culture I wish to maintain within the club, as your President :)