Election post


Hi everyone! I'm Christine and I will be running for president next year!

I’ve been a part of this society for two years now and its breathed so much life and joy into my experience at UCL. Because of this, it would be an absolute pleasure to work with all of you in continuing to facilitate a caring and imaginative community. My experience as president of an Amnesty International club has shown me the importance of both logistical and personal skills. Given the opportunity, I will use these skills to ensure society operations run smoothly, diversity is not only encouraged but celebrated, and sessions are inclusive and welcoming.

If you’re still a little iffy on your decision, here are a few more reasons to vote for me:

  • I enjoy every type of writing and would love to organise more sessions on various writing styles such as long-form prose, world and character building, as well as collaborations with other creative societies 
  • I believe socials are really important, especially accessible socials! As president I’ll do my best to create more in-person and virtual get-togethers. This would include writing together, going on excursions to bookstores or other cool spots in London, and regular study sessions with fellow writers
  • I have extensive MUN experience (having participated and taught it) meaning my diplomacy skills are fine tuned. No challenge thrown at the society will be too large!
  • I have the disposition of a 90-year-old grandparent