Election post


Hey everyone!

I am Sophia, half French half Moroccan. I am a second year studying Mechanical Engineering.

I played Volleyball for 6 years before coming to Uni and I had the opportunity to be the mixed 2 team captain this year. This role required me to be very organized as I had to plan the team’s training/games/socials every week. By building a strong cohesion within the team and communicating with all the competing teams, I had the opportunity to improve my communication and leadership skills.

I absolutely loved being captain this year! I believe that the skills I have developed through my experience as captain would be powerful assets for the position I am running for: TREASURER !!

I will keep an eye on the society’s finance, making sure that we have enough funds to organize as many trainings as we can, crazy social events and hopefully some fun Volleyball trips. I will also help looking for potential sponsors that could finance our projects. This year, as captain, I had to ask for some refunds and book venues for practices, giving me an insight into the tasks the treasurer needs to go through. Also, I was volleyball society rep in high school where I accomplished to validate my proposal for an international beach volleyball competition in Morocco by raising funds from several sponsors.

If I am elected, I promise you to be 100% committed and to do my best to offer you the best Volleyball experience ever !!