Election post


Hi! I'm Clementine, a second year Philosophy, Politics and Economics student, and I'm running for Vice-President of Outreach for next year. I have indeed really enjoyed setting up the Model United Nations School Programme this year. With other committee members, I have been able to reach out to schools and make the volunteering run in-person, which was immensely rewarding. However, because of some disruptions due to covid, the programme did not reach as many students as expected. That is why I would love to be involved next year to help expand it!

Thanks to the restructuration of the Outreach branch of the society, I am also very excited about this position as it will allow me to develop outreach within UCL through partnerships with other societies. Moreover, I will be able to help the Outreach Director as well as the Events Director to organise and run events, both socials and speaker events, which will enhance the building of a sense of community within our society.

I hope to have the opportunity to become more involved in the society next year as the Vice-President of Outreach!