Election post


With 7 years in MUN, 2 of which in UCLUNA, I have spent close to one-third of my life on the United Nations. Throughout my journey, I met amazing people who became some of my closest friends today, and learnt so much from MUN. As such, I would love to keep UCLUNA a society where people come together, whether it is to take their first steps or fly to the MUN. 


In the coming year, my main focus will be maintaining a sense of community. After all, a society is nothing without its members. This year marks the revival of the MUN circuit after the pandemic started, and UCLUNA has done well in attracting and maintaining attendance. As we continue to develop, I aim to continue providing a welcoming environment for beginners as well as the space for the experienced to hone their skills. With the new normal, I see a society where we have a blend of covid-safe activities, training sessions and events, conferences as well as socials for members to bond. 


Like I promised in my first year, I will never give UNA up, I will never let UNA down, and I believe that I have done so during my time as your First Year Representative and Vice-President of MUN, along with the roles Under Secretary General for Finance in LIMUN, and Secretary of the MUN club in high school. In the next year, I will be honoured to continue on as your President, and bring UCLUNA to the MUN.