Election post


Hey guys! I'm Rohan (you've probably seen me around at trainings and socials), and I'm the current treasurer for UCL Ultimate Frisbee.

This year I am running to be president of the club! Having worked closely with Joseph, our current president, this year I already know a large part of how running the club works and I believe I can add value throughout the next academic year to continue to improve the club. Over the past (almost) 2 years I have felt a real sense of community within UCL Ultimate Frisbee and would love to continue that feeling for everyone by leading the club next year.

As your president I want to continue to drive the club's inclusive nature that is common throughout the ultimate frisbee community, allowing anyone to participate in the sport without fear of judgement and encouraging our members to grow and develop both on and off the pitch. This can happen both in trainings and socials giving everyone a chance to get to know each other no matter their experience in the sport.

With a great committee I believe we can continue to be one of the all-round best clubs at UCL. Please consider voting for me as your next president.

- Rohan :)