Election post


Close to a year now playing for the BUCS Women’s 1&2 teams and going to all our amazing tennis socials, I want to give back to the society that means a lot to me. 

Why go for VP? I’ll break down the role and why I would be suited for it:

  • Support President and Treasurer: Knowing who is running, it's safe to say they're both amazing people that I truly respect and love being around.
  • Develop calendar plan of main events & take lead on some main projects: Leadership is a big passion for me. Having been the leader of many clubs that organized events (talks, socials, etc.), I promise not to fail you on the organization side! Expect many themed parties & socials to come! Who says that our Winter Ball has to be held just once??
  • Ensure socials/trainings are properly executed: I have come to almost all trainings and socials, and think that commitment and team spirit are paramount to any team. No slacking on my behalf.
  • Handle sponsorships: Weird fact but I enjoy sending emails and communication so this shouldn’t be a problem. I also love the satisfaction of opening new cans of balls, and we know that doesn’t come for free. I will be dedicated to ensuring that we have sponsors to support our hardworking players and amazing society members?

Your vote is your choice, but I promise to be fully committed to ensuring that our amazing and homey society continues thriving!??